13. 10. 2023

Meeting of business centre coordinators

IMG 5195 | Meeting of business centre coordinators

On Friday 13 October, all the coordinators of the business centres met for one of their first working meetings. The vision and goals of the entrepreneurship centres being built at 10 backbone secondary schools within the Moravian-Silesian Region were presented by the CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Moravian-Silesian Technology Academy Ing. Jan Meca.

Individual activities falling under the emerging business incubators were presented, as well as educational business camps planned for each year of the project implementation. Discussion followed on the individual points of the presentation, also the possibilities and plans of the individual centres (in relation to the school companies being built) were communicated.

The manager of the school business centres Ing. Sylva Sládečková MBA presented the possibilities of school’s involvement in the activities of cooperating entities.

The activity of school business centres is implemented within the project TPA – Innovation Centre for Transformation of Education – CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000072.

Ing. Sylva Sládečková MBA – manager of school business centres