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Where can you find us?

Moravskoslezská Technologická Akademie
Kavalcova 814/1
79201 Bruntál

Team from Bruntál

Ing. Barbora Slavkovská

Main project manager

Ing. Michaela Procházková

Coordinator of key activity

Bc. Andrea Bazalová

Assistant to CEO

Kamila Kalašová

Senior accountant

Vlasta Olbertová

Financial manager

Mgr. Ludmila Maderová

Payroll accountant, HR specialist

Ing. Michaela Pajkošová

Buyer/Marketing specialist/Event manager

Ing. Tomáš Olbert

Domain Lead

Irena Kutláková

Business Center Coordinator

Team from Ostrava

Ing. Sylva Sládečková, MBA

Manager of school business centres

Ing. Patrik Josífko


Jan Kelar, DiS.

Coordinator of key activity

Bc. Kateřina Ledvoňová Zomberová

Soft skills specialist in education

Mgr. Jindřiška Karásková

Soft skills specialist in education

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    Information about the site operator

    Moravskoslezská Technologická Akademie, z.s.
    Kavalcova 814/1, 792 01 Bruntál, ČR
    IČ: 17445191
    Zapsáno ve veřejném rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ostravě, oddíl B, vložka 1686

    Protection of whistleblowers

    Information on the basic principles and guidelines for notifying infringements of Union law.