26. 11. 2024

Meeting of Entrepreneurial Center Coordinators at SPŠOA in Bruntál

IMG 8590 | Meeting of Entrepreneurial Center Coordinators at SPŠOA in Bruntál

Bruntál’s SPŠOA hosted a meeting of entrepreneurial center coordinators from high schools across the Moravian-Silesian Region on Monday, November 25, 2024. The event provided not only new ideas but also a platform for sharing experiences and advancing the boundaries of entrepreneurial education.

Entrepreneurship in Practice: School Tour

The program began with a tour of the school, during which guests had the opportunity to visit the school’s business project. This initiative enables students to gain real-life entrepreneurial experience, from the initial idea to the practical operation of a company. Coordinators also explored the modern CLS classrooms and specialized facilities for practical training, used by students in engineering and transport-related programs.

IMG 8586 | Meeting of Entrepreneurial Center Coordinators at SPŠOA in Bruntál
As part of the meeting, a tour of the modern classrooms at SPŠOA in Bruntál was also conducted.

Joint Meeting: Sharing Goals and Inspiration

The program concluded with a joint meeting, during which key performance indicators (KPIs) of the project were reviewed, and new goals were set for the upcoming period. Coordinators shared examples of best practices, creating an inspiring environment for further development of entrepreneurial education in the region.

Joining Forces for the Future

The meeting underscored the importance of connecting schools, sharing experiences, and finding innovative ways to bring the world of entrepreneurship closer to students. We thank all participants for their active engagement and look forward to the next steps that will elevate entrepreneurial education to a higher level.

This event was made possible with the support of the TPA Project – Innovation Center for Education Transformation – CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000072, funded through the Operational Program for Fair Transformation (OPST) of the State Environmental Fun

This project was implemented thanks to support from the TPA Project – Innovation Center for the Transformation of Education – CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000072 is implemented from the Just Transformation Operational Program (OPST) of the State Environmental Fund.