Within the project TPA – Innovation Centre for Transformation of Education – CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000072 in cooperation with SPŠ and OA Bruntál workshops on business English were held under the guidance of Radim Kirschner, who teaches on the basis of the iDemo workshop of COLLEGIO s.r.o.
The first WS focused on planning for the future from the perspective of an employee, entrepreneur, investor or business owner. The ongoing discussion was about identifying what challenges and opportunities this process entails and how it affects each of these roles.
The second part of the lecture was designed to provide new insights to the students to help them in their professional growth.
Overall design:
Introduction to Project Thinking / How to Start a Business
Session 1: EBSI Quadrants
Lesson 2: Introduction to Design Thinking
Lesson 3: Designing my own Project
Lesson 4: Problem Solving Structure
Lesson 5: Recapitulation
The whole concept of the class is based on the principle of inspirational education within Collegio, which encourages curiosity and collaboration. The aim is to build a link between formal education and succeeding in the world of practice.