30. 10. 2024

International Project EduBox: Successful Completion and the Future of Education

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We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the international project EduBox: Effective Education System of Digital Tools for VET in Technical Sectors, which ran from January 2022 to the end of October 2024. This project, focused on innovation and efficiency in educational systems using digital tools in technical education, has brought numerous positive changes and benefits for teachers, students, and educational institutions.

Key Achievements of the Project

Over the two years, we reached several significant milestones that underscore our commitment to modernizing the educational process:

New Partnerships: Together with the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Center Ostrava, we established valuable partnerships with international institutions in Slovenia and Slovakia. These collaborations provided rich opportunities for exchanging experiences and best practices in education, enhancing our methodology and approaches.

Creation of EduBoxes: We developed 15 new EduBoxes—interactive educational modules designed for vocational high school teachers. These modules represent an innovative approach to teaching, allowing educators to better engage students in the learning process through modern digital tools and methods.

Inspiration from Abroad: We drew inspiration from local best practices in education, especially from Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Myjava (Slovakia). These examples demonstrated effective ways to implement modern teaching methods and the positive results that can be achieved.

Dissemination Events: As part of the project, we organized several public dissemination events, allowing us to share our project findings and outcomes. Among these was the final conference at Ostrava’s ImpactHUB, where participants engaged with project outputs and discussed their applications.

Tutorials and Webinars: For each EduBox, we prepared tutorials that made it easier for teachers to implement them in the classroom. At the project’s close, we held a brief webinar summarizing our key outputs and providing practical tips for their everyday use in teaching.

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Long-Term Impact and Future Directions

Our commitment to educational innovation has been ongoing since 2020, drawing significant inspiration from TKNIKA, a Basque organization we visited with MSIC Ostrava in 2021. The insights gained there greatly informed the development of our educational modules.

The EduBox project also led to the establishment of the Moravian-Silesian Technological Academy, which is committed to further developing educational tools for high schools. This academy will carry forward our mission, ensuring that innovative approaches in education remain at the forefront.


The conclusion of the EduBox project marks a new chapter for technical education. Our efforts to improve education quality and incorporate modern technology into teaching will continue. We want to thank all partners, participants, and supporters for their invaluable contributions to this project’s success.

For more information about the project, including available outputs, visit erasmus-edubox.eu. We believe the project’s results will contribute to further modernizing educational methods, helping us build higher-quality and more efficient education systems together.

We also extend our gratitude to the European Union, whose support made this project possible.

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This project was implemented thanks to support from the TPA Project – Innovation Center for the Transformation of Education – CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000072 is implemented from the Just Transformation Operational Program (OPST) of the State Environmental Fund.